The age of innocence  

Posted by: The Norlie Family

Just yesterday, as I was bringing groceries into the house, Kailey ran to the corner of our garden and grabbed a dandelion that had sprouted. It still had the little fluff ball on the top and she came running into the garage yelling, "Mommy! Wait! I have to make a wish!" It couldn't have been a more inopportune time as my arms were full of groceries and I was trying to hold the door open so she would stay with me, but the feeling that came over me when she did that is all most indescribable. Looking back I think that was Gods way of tell me to slow down, stop and smell the roses, enjoy these babies, after all they are only this little once.

When I think about my life I can't help but wonder when it was exactly I lost that beautiful innocence that all children posses. Was it when I first found out, what my older sister said was the "truth about Santa"? Was it that moment when I tried to steal that pack of gum from the drug store as a little kid (which of course my mom made me return)? Was it when I first gave into peer pressure as a teenager? I have spent numberless hours trying to figure this one out. I think in the end it's a combination of a lot of things. But oh how I miss it. I truly revel in the bright innocent eyes of my children! And how I dread the day when I wont see that anymore. Because it eventually happens to us all doesn't it? Or am I just jaded because of all the things I've experienced in life? What ever it is I think I learned a pretty powerful lesson from my 3 year old yesterday!

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As I type this, Eric (2) is curled up on my lap, wrapped in his blankets. Just another thing for us to savor, and wonder how long it will last.

I'm graterful for the little moments God wants us to savor.

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