Adventures in Canada! (again better late than never)  

Posted by: The Norlie Family

I woke up Monday morning wondering what I would blog about for "Misery Monday" then I realized I was still in Canada and the internet connection there is dial up so I wouldn't be able to blog. What a perfect way to start my "Misery Monday" blog eh? This thought ran through my head most of the day as we were preparing to fly home. I must say I thought it very fitting that we should be traveling home on a Monday.

But lets go back to Wednesday evening shall we. That's the day we left for Canada. Not to much to report the kids were relatively well behaved we got checked in and through security will very little trouble. We got something to eat, changed diapers, filled bottles and boarded our plane. It was quick, smooth flight. Kailey watched a movie on my iphone and Garrett slept. We arrived in Calgary around 9:15 pm mountain time. Then we had a two and a half hour drive out to the farm. It was long but the kids slept so it wasn't bad.

Thursday we had a birthday party for Kailey. Her cousin Tanner (who is one day younger) was suppose to be there but had a cold and couldn't make it. It was still a lot of fun though. Kailey's Uncle's and Aunts and two other cousins were there. It was a lot of fun! Kailey got spoiled! Everyone up there is so generous! It always seems to take me by surprise for some reason.

Friday Clint and I left the kids with his dad and mom and drove back into Calgary for a date. It was again a long ride but we made great conversation the whole way. It was nice being able to carry on a conversation with out being interrupted 57 times! We even talked the whole way home too! It's amazing how much can be said when the little ones are away! While we were there we had lunch, went to the mall, went to a western wear store, got a car wash, picked up an extra suit case (to haul all Kailey's presents home with), and went and saw Gran Torino. It was a lot of fun!

Saturday was the big surprise anniversary party for Larry and Linda. They didn't have a clue. My sister in laws Amanda and Roxanne did a fantastic job putting it all together! I was really impressed! There were quite a few people there and the food was all homemade and delicious! Kailey had a blast running around with all the kids that were there. It all turned out so great! Thanks Amanda and Roxanne!

Sunday was a lazy day. We hung out in the morning and went and saw Clint's Grandma's in town in the afternoon. Of course the whole time we were there Kailey was out checking the cows every chance she got so she did quite a bit of that on Sunday. Then after the kids were in bed I packed up all their toys and gathered up all the cloths so that I could pack in the morning.

Monday was our traveling day. We left the farm around 11 am and got into Calgary just after 1pm. We stopped for lunch at a place called Montanas. It was soo good! Then we ran over to Chapters ( book store) and I picked up a book for the plane ride home. Then we were off to the airport. The people there were all very nice. Except for the customs officer who checked our passports. He was a very grumpy fellow. What is with them? They all tend to be that way! But he let us go so I guess that's the important thing right?!

The plane ride was good. Garrett slept, I read, Clint slept, and Kailey of course watched a movie. Once we got to SeaTac everything went pretty quickly. Our luggage was all ready off the coveyer belt and waiting so we were able to just grab it and go. That was nice! I hate bumping elbows just to get my suit cases! Then we got our car and headed home. The kids were both totally zonked out in the car 10 minutes into our 45 minute drive home. That too was nice!

It was such a good trip! I had very mixed feelings about coming home this time. I wanted to stay and visit a little longer but I was also starting to kind of antsy to get home. It was so great getting to see everyone. It was too cold to do much out side and Garrett was sick with a cold the whole time but we still enjoyed our stay. I know Kailey had a lot of fun. She loves being on the farm with the cows and the kitties and Brandy (Larry's dog). Last time we were there it was summer time and Kailey thought their yard was a park. She didn't mind the cold though and had a lot of fun going with Pa to see the cows.

Ohh Canada  

Posted by: The Norlie Family in

Well today is the day we head out Canada. I know once we get there everything will be fine. I just get so nervous traveling with kids for one and even more so when traveling across the border. We all have our passports so we'll more than likely be just fine, it just gets a little more nerve wracking when you have the kiddos to worry about.

Most of you know that Clint grew up on a cattle ranch about two and half hours out side of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. His dad and step mom still live there and have cattle. It's very beautiful out there I think. Some of the people out there are so red-neck the folks out in Kansas couldn't hold a candle next to them! But it's the country life and there is definitely something about that that appeals to me.

I'll be honest I've missed the farm. There is just something about it. I don't if it's just because it reminds so much of Kansas or what, but I have really missed being out there. I have missed my in-laws too. It takes me a long time to really warm up to people but I have really grown to love all of them and I can't wait to see my new nephew Nate. I'm especially excited to get up there so that I can razz my Father in law. He is such a funny ol' fart! However, as I'm writing this I'm remembering that calving season is just starting out there. I hope they don't try to get me out there to watch or help or something. I'm WAY too much of a city girl for that!

Over all I think it will be a good trip. We are planning a double birthday party for Kailey and her cousin Tanner. They are only a day apart. I'm really excited for it just because Kailey has never had or been to a big birthday party. (I know how lame are we?!) Linda (my mother in law) will be getting an ice cream cake for the kids. I think Kailey will love it! Course Kailey loves anything sweet! I think she get's that from her Pa (Clint's dad)!

Well Kailey is talking and Garrett is babbling so I guess that means it's time to start my day. Fingers crossed we have a smooth hassle free day both at home and at the airport!

Misery Monday  

Posted by: The Norlie Family in

Mondays Pictures, Images and Photos

Today we have a lot going on at the Norlie House. It was big weekend with lots of candy, cake, and presents. First on Friday was last minute birthday gift shopping, then Valentines on Saturday, then on Sunday was Kailey's 3rd Birthday. So that means a whole lot of clean up for today. I also cleaned out my fridge for the first time in months and now know why Clint keeps saying there's nothing to eat! So that means a trip to the store today, which by the way isn't so bad now that I've discover the kids play area at Fred Myers (free baby sitter....SCORE!).

Clint and I are leaving for a trip to Canada on Wednesday and my older sister Stephanie and her boyfriend are coming for a visit on Friday. That means I have to have my house cleaned and the fridge stocked (with soy milk no less so that means a trip to a second grociery store), suit cases packed, birthday presents wrapped and packed, and kids bathed before we leave.

On top of all this craziness Kailey is not feeling well with a mild fever and the sniffles. The poor girl was up half the night because she couldn't breath even with the humidifier, so now of course she's a grumpy girl and will not be fun to tote around today.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....

Happy Birthday Kailey!! (better late than never)  

Posted by: The Norlie Family

My sweet Kailey is turning 3 on Sunday. I can hardly believe it. February 15th, 2006 is day that I had long awaited! I think most mothers want their babies, yearn for their babies, dream about their babies, but for me, more than all of those combined, I needed you. You put the final piece of my once broken heart back into place. Your were the cure to so much of what had been ailing my soul. From the moment I heard your first cry I loved you more than words could ever describe. You were so beautiful with all your hair and that sweet smile. I could hardly wait to take you home.

As much love as I have shown you, you have always been your Daddy's girl. I had such mixed emotions when you said your first word which of course was Daddy. I was and am so proud of you for talking but so sad at the same time because clearly your heart belonged to Daddy. I have grown to love that about you. I also love that as much as your heart belongs to Daddy you still save a hug and a cuddle for me.

You have such an insatiable appetite for reading. I don't think you will ever be able to own enough books. I love that you never get sick of the old books even when you get new books. I love that you have read all your books so many time that you have them all most all memorized.

You are so smart! You constantly amaze me!

I love your sense of humor! You are always making me laugh. Your energy, laughter and happiness is contagious! You light up our house on even the gloomiest of rainy days!

Your becoming such a fun little girl and that for me is bittersweet. I love you so much Kailey and I hope my "all most" Valentine baby has a very happy birthday.

Gangs come in all forms...  

Posted by: The Norlie Family

I have no intention of making this a political blog but with the events that have taken place over the last several months and more especially the last several days, I feel the need to let my friends and family know where I stand.

For all my life I considered myself a republican. At least until I was old enough to care about politics and vote. The more I listened to both democratic and republican parties the less I cared for either really. It seemed to me that when ever I heard a politician speaking they were so far "right" or so far "left" it would make me want to scream and pull my hair out. It drives me bonkers listening to anyone who is "red" or "blue" through and through.

First and foremost, I was always taught since I can remember to always vote for the person who you felt would be the best person for the job, weather it was Class President in High School or Employee of the month, or President of our country. Being ignorant of what both sides has to say is as bad as "hiding under rocks" or burying your head in the sand! Since I'm speaking of ignorance, voting strictly republican or strictly democrat because that's what your parents did and their parents and their parents through all generations is the STUPIDEST thing I have ever heard of in my LIFE!! Then assuming because I didn't listen to Rush everyday or vote the same way you did I don't know all the facts ?! What is that?

Gangs come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Republican, Democrat, Blood, Crypt does not matter to me! I WILL NOT JOIN! Call me a fence sitter, call me what ever you want, but don't call me unpatriotic, indifferent or ignorant! Because I listen to both sides. I see the good and the bad of BOTH!

All I ask is for you all to think about this story I'm going to share with you.

In June 2006 I found I was pregnant. Two weeks after finding out Clint and I took a trip up to Canada for a funeral. A little less than half way there I started spotting. We made it to a hotel that night and by then I was bleeding pretty heavily. The next morning we got on the road and headed to the nearest ER still several hours away. When we got there, there was NO waiting. I was given a room and saw a doctor within 30 minutes. The doctor confirmed that I was having a miscarriage. We left paying a very small fee. Then we had a three hour drive to get to the farm. The bleeding never stopped. The next day I went to the ER again. The doctor there said I needed to have a d&c. We were there for several hours while I was recovering. Again we left paying nothing at the time.

If this had been a Canadian or any other foreigner for that matter traveling only with a passport, what do you think would have happened to her if she had gone to one of our American ER's? What kind of bill would she have to pay? How fair is it that I should be treated so well in another country paying next to nothing for the health care I received and anyone else coming to America including American's don't get treated so well?

Here is another story.

Clint's Grandma in Canada had some trouble with her hip just before Christmas. Her Doctor told her she would need a hip replacement. By Friday of that VERY WEEK she had a new hip.

Yet even though I have insanely good health insurance I have to watch my daughter suffer for a month and half while I wait for her to see a specialist! How is that fair?

If socialized health care is really the big bad monster that all the republicans want us to believe it is, than why are we the only civilized nation with out it?! And why is it that the number one country to raise a family in (a little hint it's not America) has it?

Isn't taking care of one another what Christ taught us to do? How can we call ourselves a "Christian Nation" when no one could care less about weather or not their neighbor and their neighbors children have health care? How can we call ourselves the "UNITED" States of American when we don't even know our next door neighbors name let alone the difficulties some one in a different state with a different economic status might be facing? Why should I be entitled to health care just because my husband has a good job that can afford health insurance while "Bob the Brick layer" who works twice as hard for half as much has to go without? That certainly does not sound like what I was taught in Sunday school!

I'm not saying the system is perfect. NO system ever is. But I'm pretty sure I personally would sleep a lot better at night knowing that I'm doing my part to contribute to a UNITED NATION.

A visit from the past and lessons learned  

Posted by: The Norlie Family

I'm not sure if there is something in the air or if it's the changing of seasons fast approaching, or maybe even the cosmos just not aligning, but last week and over the weekend we had some VERY cranky kids at our house. Either one was waking up at all hours of the night, taking naps opposite of each other, crying opposite of each other, etc. So that's what I dealt with all week and had really hoped the weekend would give us chance to re-coop and catch up on sleep (and blogging). No such luck!

Lessons Learned
Friday I got a phone call from our mortgage company, who we are refinancing through, wanting to know if I could send them any copies of any paper work I had regarding a $48 dispute on my credit report. I was a little irritated by this to say the least. This "dispute" was from 2003 when I had my wallet stolen from a YMCA in Wichita, Kansas. I've know it was there since before Clint and I got married and were trying to buy me a truck. But we were able to buy the truck with no problems. Then we got married and bought a house. It came up again then, but we were still able to buy the house. It's just never been that big of an issue, so I never bothered with it. Well now that the banks and mortgage companies are tightening their "belts" it's an issue. AAAAGGGGHHH!! So now I have to rummage through 6 years worth of paperwork to try and find my stuff regarding this situation and email it to the mortgage company. Lesson learned: take care of business!

A visit from the past
Saturday everyone was up early and Clint had to work. I had a good friend from Wichita up here to judge a cheer leading competition in Tacoma and we had plans to get together. It's been about four and half years since I saw him last. What a trip drudging up and dusting off those memories! It was neat because you know how some times when you see some one you knew at one point in your life but lost touch with and there is an awkwardness there because your both so different now? That feeling was never there as I thought it might be! My friend and I didn't skip a beat! We fell into conversation just as easily as we had in the past. It all most seemed like four years hadn't ever even gone by between us. A lot has changed for both of us and our families. He finally found the girl he wants to marry, which is so great! He's always wanted to be married and have a family. He seemed to enjoy the company of my kids even though they were crying and climbing on and under the restaurant table and throwing temper tantrums. Clint was great! What a trooper! Taking care of the kids as best he could so I could visit with my friend. Over all it was a nice evening. I just wish I had had more time to visit!

It's funny how when you are least expecting it your past can sneak up on you out of no where. After church on Sunday I did a lot of contemplating about this. I didn't really come up with much just more questions about why this or that had happened or not....*sigh*...
There were other things from the past that came up this weekend as well, but those are too personal to share on here. I will say this, I feel like I'm at a weird place in my life where my past really is not that far behind me but I feel like it's far enough to put the "duck tape" on those "boxes of memories". Does that make sense? Not that they are all bad memories, just that when do you get to that point in your life when you stop re living them, good or bad? I guess this all really comes back to something my friend said to me Saturday night, which was "Why would you keep in touch with people you were never really friends with to begin with?" Which in turn made me think that I don't want to go to my 10 year when it comes up. Clint has also asked me on occasion why I would want to go back to Wichita when there is nothing besides my family there for me anymore. Honestly if it were not for my family I would probably NEVER go back to Kansas. So again, when do you walk away from certain things and never look back? Do you ever get to that point? Obviously I'm not referring to my parents, but people, places, and memories in general.


by. Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Misery Monday  

Posted by: The Norlie Family in

I woke up this morning and there was snow on the ground. 'Nuff said!

Misery Monday  

Posted by: The Norlie Family in

case of mondays Pictures, Images and Photos

It's ten after 8 and this morning is all ready off to a poor start. No surprise really I mean after all it is Monday. So I woke up at 6am in hopes of giving myself 30 minutes to lay in bed before I HAD to get up to work out. But to my surprise not only was my alarm clock going off but so was Garrett. So I thought okay, this could be worse. So I got up, fed Garrett a bottle and went and laid him back down in his bed. By then it was 7am and I thought well Kailey probably wont be up until at least 8 because she went to bed so late last night and now that Garrett has had a bottle he should sleep until at least 9. So I climb back into bed still wanting my 30 minutes of sleep I didn't get earlier. I lay there for a few minutes and I hear Garrett on the monitor talking to himself. I think it's no big deal and figure he'll find his thumb and doze off soon enough. But no such luck. I go get him and bring into my room so I can get my work out cloths on, again thinking I still had time before Kailey woke up. Again, no such luck. It's 7:30 and both kids are up and want to play and eat breakfast. So much for getting my workout in this morning!

Please feel free to share a "Misery Monday" story. After all "misery loves company"!