Thinking things over
PostedOkay, blog! I miss you now. I think now that summer is over I can devote myself to you once again. However, there is no promise that I wont leave again. I can only promise that I will always come back.
I had hoped for an uneventful summer full of lazy days at the park but it definitely did not work out that way. It seems that every week was packed with trips to the store, trips to the doctor, ultrasounds, surgery, physical therapy, and who knows what else!
Clint finished his physical therapy and spinal decompression with great success! Thank heavens! He's regained a lot of the strength in his left leg and his back hardly ever bothers.
I've been busy trying to keep track of prenatal visits, ultrasound appointments, and Endocronologist appointments just to keep this baby growing inside me healthy. It's been a lot this time around I think just because my thyroid was off to begin with and it kind of concerned the doctors. I actually have a prenatal visit today which will include another blood draw. I don't know how much more I have left to give to these darn Vampires!
Kailey has not had the most enjoyable summer this year. I feel so bad because she has had SO many doctors visits that she's starting to develop quite a fear of them. The whole thing got kicked off in March when I found a lump in Kailey's neck. So I took her to the pediatrician who seemed rather concerned and ordered a blood draw and an MRI. Both came back "normal" so he sent me to the Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. She didn't seem to concerned at first and just prescribed some antibiotics. So Kailey took the meds and we watched it. It went down in size a bit, but didn't go away. So more visits and more meds came. Still nothing changed. So the ENT specialist decided it was time to take it out before it got worse or started draining. Two weeks ago today Kailey went in to have the lump removed. At her follow up appointment the doctor told us that it was a severely infected lymphnode. It's a good thing we took it out when we did or Kailey could have wound up being one sick little girl.
Garrett is growing like weed!! He has four teeth and cutting two more. He is pulling himself up and stand on his own, so I'm sure he'll be off and running in real short order! He's getting ready to celebrate his first Birthday on the 12th. I can't believe a year has all ready gone by.
I all most feel a bit guilty having this baby so close to Garrett bear.. he hasn't even really got to have his time in the spotlight. I think I will feel more guilty this time around, about sharing my time, than I did with Kailey when Garrett was born. Kailey obviously still needs me but she needs me in such different ways than what these babies do, so I don't feel nearly the guilt there as I'm anticipating I will feel when this baby is born. You know what I mean? Then on top of it with in months of having this baby Garrett will get thrown into Nursery and Kailey will be a Sunbeam and he'll be all alone.
I also had the realization the other day the Clint and I will have three kids in high school all at the same time! How crazy will that be?! I told him we will have to make Team Norlie t-shirts and put numbers on the backs! We both had a good chuckle over how we plan to torture our children as they get older. I think we see now, with this baby being on the way, that while our children torture us endlessly now, we will have to the power to torture them endlessly when they are older. Doesn't that just ROCK!?!! I think I'm going make this my mantra!
Over all life at the Norlie house seems to move at a faster and faster pace every week! Kailey is going to be starting preschool next week. She's on a Tuesday/Thursday schedule and on Wednesdays she will have tumbling, which Clint will take her to. So with Kailey having a schedule all her own now I can only expect things to be pretty crazy around here for a while. Oh the joys of family life!
WOW things have been really crazy for you!! I had no idea this pregnancy was more difficult -- I can't imagine how rough it must be with two little ones to keep up with.
I hope things calm down for you!!