Once you have a family a quiet house is hard to come by. I can honestly say that when I do manage to find myself in a quiet house it is the most welcomed feeling and I enjoy every moment of it.
Today is Kailey's first day of preschool so for the next hour, while she is gone and Garrett is sleeping, my house is VERY quiet. For today, and I say for today because I know this wont last long, it's a very lonely sort of quiet. Knowing that Kailey is having fun and not worried at all about where I am makes me kinda sad. Normally she drives me crazy asking a million questions and tormenting Garrett and now it's so quiet I really miss it. I'm sure by next week this will be time I use to run an errand or two, or blog, or catch up my dishes and start a load of laundry and I wont even notice the quiet.
Grateful Friday
1 day ago
Those first few times are pretty weird. But you'll get used to it. I would *always* run errands while Isaac was at preschool. It's amazing how much easier it is with just one!