My friend just posted on her blog about some wild dreams she's been having since she's been pregnant and since this was something I wanted to share anyway I tell you about some of my crazy pregnancy dreams.
I personally am not nearly as insightful as to what all this means as my friend was about her dreams. For me they are just crazy and really have no rhyme or reason. I do think that dreams can be very telling about the things we are going through in life and I have definitely had some dreams like that but lately my dreams are more just nonsense than anything else. Anyway here goes.
Dream #1: Clint and I were riding bikes (which I hate) and racing through the very steep slopes that make up downtown Seattle. Eventually we made our way over to Lake Union. For some reason Clint had decided he want to take a shortcut home and I didn't. So he went his way and rode my bike down to the water. I had no intention of stopping but out of the corner of my I noticed a crowed had started to form and that there was a whale in the water (not terribly unlikely after all this is Seattle). So I decide to stop and watch since I have not seen a single whale in the five years I've lived here. When I get down to the water I see that it's not just a whale but a "Mommy" whale and her baby. Then out of no where there were at least a hundred whales, Mommy and baby, all swimming right there in Lake Union (highly, highly unlikely). Everyone was so amazed at the sight of it. Then it dawned on me that the Mommy's were teaching the babies to swim and catch fish. By this point there were all kinds of people, who had all ready been out on the water sailing and what not, jumping on the backs of the Mama whales. At first everyone thought this was really cool. The people were riding on the whales like you a dolphin or something. Then out of no where (I love how things just spontaneously appear in dreams) this old school steam powered paddle boat comes floating toward the dock. I immediately sensed that something bad was going to happen. Sure enough the paddles on the boat cut one of the Mommy whales in half (it was very graphic so I wont go into any further details there but I'm sure you could imagine). The baby whale starts to bellow and cry, so I start screaming for everyone to get out of the water. I just knew the other whales were going to be mad and protect the this newly orphaned baby and that it was not going to be good. When I start yelling everyone just looks at me like I've lost my mind. Then at that very moment the other Mama whales started attacking all the people. Not want to stick around for this nightmare of a scene I hop on my bike and start to pedal away. That's when I woke up.
See?! It's all fun and games until someone loses a limb! People really should listen to me more. ;)
Dream #2: Clint and I went to some aquarium to see some new sea lion exhibit. It was very fancy and you could actually go on the other side of the glass if you wanted to get a better look or even pet the sea lions. Around the edge of the tank was a narrow walking path with benches you could sit on. Everything was wight. The tank, the benches, the toys, everything was wight. So Clint and I are standing there watch the sea lions and debating if we were brave enough to pet one. Clint fell into conversation with another man who was also trying to decide if he wanted to pet the sea lion. Then out of no where one of the Sea Lions jumps out of the water and start attacking the guy that Clint was talking too (again this was extremely graphic but I wont go into those details). Clint and I got really scared and jumped out of the way and started to try and climb over the glass. Then I woke up.
This I think just solidifies why I don't go near any natural body of water. I love to swim in swimming pools don't ask me to go near lakes or oceans!
Dream #3: I was at home and I had just given birth to twins. It was weird though because they were Barbie dolls. But there I was just nursing these little Barbies like it was perfectly normal.
This dream I think is the result of watching the "little people" shows on TLC and my Mother in law and Mother both teasing me that I'm going to have twins. A joke that by now is a little old.
I've also recently had dreams about losing my kids or them being hurt in some way. These I won't share just because they were so vivid and really quite traumatic. Dreams like that I think are the result of my constant worry that I'm going to lose my babies. Which I think is the result of having placed one of my babies for adoption. They get so bad sometimes I have to have Clint give me a blessing just to help me fall asleep again. This is one thing about being pregnant that can, for me, either be really funny or really horrifying simply because my dreams are so vivid.
Grateful Friday
1 day ago
I'm glad you shared your dreams, too! I think the first one is also about you worrying about your kids. Well, I think the beginning is you and Clint having baby #3. He was more ready for it than you were, right? So he was full steam ahead. Then with the whale -- you're gaining weight and feeling kind of like a whale. And the whale having tons of babies -- you feel like you'll have a ton of kids! Deep down, you feel like you're doing a good job teaching and protecting your children, but you worry that something horrible could happen to them at any time.
I have no idea about dream number two. I think you're totally right about the source of your worry. It's not an easy thing for your psyche to deal with.
This is fun!
You made my day telling me these dreams Michelle! I have had some crazy ones as well but all too often they actually feel like deja vu because they come true a lot. The silly ones remind me of half of the dreams I have had when I was pregnant. Thanks for the laugh!~Tiffany Goodwin