Me and Clint's five year anniversary is this Friday. I seriously considered typing out our story and even started too but ultimately decided that it was taking too much time. And really a large portion of our story really has nothing to do with "us" at all. Then I thought maybe a picture montage of some sort would be fun, then I realized we actually have very few pictures together aside from our engagement and wedding photos. Which is ultimately what led me to the title of this post. The time we've spent together has gone by so fast we've hardly had time to even document it! To prove my point here is a bit of time line.
October 2003: First date
April 2004: Second (group) date
May 2004: Clint's 30th birthday (which according to my mother was day she knew we were going to get married)
June: Clint takes a job at Boeing Everett
July: We get engaged
August: I fly to Seattle for the first time to be with him/ date/ get to know each other better
September: My 21st birthday/ pack/ finish planning wedding etc.
October: Drive to Utah and get married on the 9th in Salt Lake Temple
December: First Christmas spent with my parents in Wichita
January 2005: Start looking for a house
February: Buy our first dog a yellow lab named Colby (worst idea, to date, that we've ever had)
March: Move into our first house
May: Get pregnant with first baby after only being married 7 months
June: Find out I'm pregnant
February 2006: Baby girl, Kailey Marianne is born
November: Thanksgiving in Wichita
December: Christmas in Canada
January 2007: Start trying for baby number 2
December 2007: Start bathroom remodel, finally conceive baby number 2
January 2008: Find out I'm pregnant
September 2008: Baby boy, Garrett Elijah is born
May 2009: Unknowingly conceive baby number three, Due date February 3rd
September: Kailey starts preschool
October: Five year anniversary
As all these major events occur we obviously have less and less time. I remember thinking after I had Kailey, "Gosh what did I do with all my time?" and again the same thought occurred to me after I had Garrett and I'm sure with the arrival of this newest addition the same thought will occur to me again. With Kailey I had oodles of time to take as much video and pictures as I could or would ever have wanted. Garrett's first birthday just passed and in the last year I think I may have only picked up my video camera or Nikon for that matter a hand full of times.
It just amazes me that this much time has gone all ready! It seriously feels like just yesterday that we got married and I moved to Washington. I know that's rather cliche but it really does. I don't feel any older or wiser or like I've just spent the last six years of my life having kids.
Since it is our anniversary and I do want to share something I will share our wedding story. With Clint being from Canada and all his family living in Canada it was quite the thing to orchestrate. We decided to get married in the Salt Lake Temple because that's where all my extended family was and my grandparents on both sides were sick at the time. We did consider the Seattle Temple for traveling consideration of Clint's family but because my grandparent were not able to travel the SL Temple won.
When I got to Utah, Conference weekend, I had a lot of loose ends that needed attention so that whole week was spent tying those up and solidifying plans. Clint flew in from Seattle on the Wednesday and we went straight from the airport to the county clerks office to get the marriage certificate.
Then we had to go to the reception center to secure our plans.
Thursday I took out my endowments and that night we had a "Couples" wedding shower (Hi 'Lyssa).
Friday we were sealed in the temple. Because Clint is a convert and the only one in his family we had a ring ceremony at the reception center for his family.
The wedding day itself was crazy! After the sealing, before the pictures, Clint tells me that his pants and one of his groomsman's pants had been switched! Which was actually really funny because his groomsman was quite a bit shorter than Clint. You can't see the obvious mix up in the picture but I'm sure you can guess which groomsman's pants Clint ended up with.
A few picture outside the temple:
Clint's family
My family
My sisters/bridesmaids
Once we were done with pictures at the temple we headed to the wedding luncheon. I'm pretty there are no pictures of this portion of the wedding but that's all right with me. Everyone (even to this day) assures me that it went off without a hitch. I however have a differ recollection of this part of the day. First we (my Mom, Clint and I) were late getting there. I mean really late! All of the guests who had been invited were there waiting on me, the bride, to show up to my own luncheon. In my mind this was a disaster in and of itself. Second, we all get settled in our (somewhat) appointed seats and the servers start to bring out the food. I had ordered a steak. That's right I ordered a steak...on my wedding day! I was hungry! The steak they brought me was so overcooked I could barely cut it! So I pushed it aside in utter disgust and disappointment and say, "Well that sucks!" and it did! Everyone within earshot turned and looked. Clint was mortified! Third, once the lunch was over and we were supposed to head to the reception center I had to figure out what to do about a garment situation I had run into which was that I didn't have any. I had just taken my endowments out the day before and hadn't had time to get to the distribution center to get any that would fit. So in order to save time and from us (my Mom, Clint and I) from being late to the ring ceremony I had my Aunt go get some for me and bring them to the reception. So what I want to know is how anyone can view this portion of the day a success?
The ring ceremony was very nice. My Grandpa Wilson, who was also one of the witness' at the sealing, performed the ceremony for us. All of my extended family and friends and all (most) of Clint's family was there. After the ceremony we stood in the receiving line.
Then we cut the cake:
Then we had our first dance:
Then I danced with my dad:
Of course all the other traditional things like tossing the bouquet and guarder and dancing and stuffing our faces with cake ensued. Also like all newlyweds we wondered if the reception would ever end so that we could get to the hotel! But it did and this is where we stayed:
It was fabulous! Except for the part where I stumbled over the trunk roots at the bottom of the bed, that was just downright embarrassing! Or the fact that my duffel bag, carrying every article of clothing I owned, broke and we had to race to Wal-Mart to get me a new suitcase RIGHT before we were supposed to be at the airport. It was crazy and we laughed the whole way to Boston which is where we honeymooned.
Now, amazingly, here we are five years, 2 kids and one on the way, later! I feel so blessed and so grateful for being able to have married my best friend and to have had the Lord bless us with such wonderful, beautiful children. It hasn't always been easy but that's what makes this our life and I love that!
Happy Anniversary Clint! I love you with all my heart and soul! Thank you for being my Night in Shining Armor!
Grateful Friday
1 day ago
Happy Anniversary!!! It's amazing how 5 years can feel like forever, huh?
I'm glad you recounted your wedding story. And that pic of me pregnant! Oh, the things I have to look forward to!