Some of you may or may not know this about Clint but he is a natural born performer. He LOVES to get a laugh out of just about anyone. He's so dramatic and his facial expressions are priceless! When he walks in the door from work he can have our whole house in stitches within minutes. It's one of the things I love the very most about him and I am so proud to say that he has passed this trait onto our daughter.
Kailey is probably the biggest ham I've met (next to Clint). That girl loves to laugh and play and joke, and the more people she can get to join in her little games/jokes, what ever, the happier she is and the more excited she gets. Of course at this age most of her "funnies" are centered around sounds of bodily functions, but it still cracks us up! She is starting to learn actual jokes though, which is good thing. Her favorite, and the only one she really knows so far, is: Why is six afraid of seven?... Because seven eight (ate) nine. She just thinks that this is the funniest thing ever and insist on telling Clint and I this joke several times a day.
Sometimes, though, Kailey makes us laugh without even realizing she's done anything funny. The most recent event happened while we were driving home from the mall. Kailey was VERY tired and having one of her overly dramatic (fake) meltdowns with (fake) tears and all. So Clint, trying to get her to quiet down starts asking Kailey a bunch of questions. It went like this:
Clint: Do you want to play in the bath?
Kailey (through fake sobs): Noooooo!
C: Do you want to read books?
K: Nooooo!
C: Do you want to brush your teeth?
K: Nooooo!
C: Do you want ice cream?
K (still through her fake sobs): NnnoYeeeesss!
Clint and I just busted up laughing. Then of course so did Kailey! I'm fairly certain we are going to have to enlist Kailey in some sort of acting class or comedy troop at some point!
Grateful Friday
1 day ago