I have a lot I've been wanting to blog about but have either been to tired or too busy to get on here and do it. I've debated splitting it all up into several posts but ultimately have decided that I don't have THAT much time on my hands. As a result this post will probably be pretty lengthy and relatively random but I will try to tie it all together at the end.
This past Saturday was Garrett's 1st b-day. I'd an exlamation point at the end of that sentence but I'm still a bit sad it's all ready come and gone. I love my baby boy so much it all most hurts. He's my cuddle bug, my smiley pants, my butter (butterball), he is my world. With his birthday having come and gone and with each day drawing our family closer and closer to the arrival our newest addition I feel like I have to cherish and make the very most out of every second I have with him. Because I feel this way the poor kid is being smothered in hugs, cuddles, and kisses. Anyway, it was beautiful here this past Saturday! So we all headed down to the Zoo. It was great! All the animals we got to see were VERY active. When we got home we had pumpkin spice cupcakes with cream cheese frosting..YUMMM, and opened cards and presents. It was a very nice day!
Yesterday was Kailey's second day of preschool! She was so funny as soon as we got there she ran to the door yelling the whole way, "I see the teacher!! Teacher! Teacher! I'm here!", by the time I caught up to her she was all ready inside and sitting down. I'm so glad that she is as independent and confident as she is. Now if we could just work on her listening skills and help her to not be quite soo silly all the time. I did much better this time. I went to Target with just Garrett in tow and took my time shopping. When we were done I went and picked up a prescription from the pharmacy and got home in just enough to feed Garrett and unload the dishes. I felt very productive.
A couple of weeks ago our bishop stopped by our house to visit with Clint and I. With Clint having just been released from his calling and the bishop having not ever set me apart for my calling, I knew this visit was not just your average house call. When he got there we visited for a bit and then he extended us a calling. He asked Clint and I if we would be Temple Patrons. I was soooooo excited I could hardly contain myself. This is EXACTLY what we need. I know there will be a lot of challenges with me being pregnant, Clint working days, and having two kids to juggle, but it's a challenge that we are more than happy to take on.
Last night as I was laying in bed thinking about everything that has happened at our house this year I was overcome with gratitude and humility. It certainly has not been the easiest year, heck it hasn't been the easiest anything around here for a long time, but it has been a year of many great blessings. When I think of all that the Lord has blessed me with in the last five years I can't help but wonder why the Lord has given me, ME of ALL people so much. I mean I know that I'm a good person and I try to all that's asked of me but I'm far from anything that I would think deserves what the Lord has given me and my family. I hate to even admit this but it's not like I go "above and beyond" what has been asked of me and I at times I have just not done what was asked of me...period. I guess I all most feel like I've incurred So much debt to the Lord I'm going to HAVE to start going "above and beyond" in order to even try and make a dent in what I owe the Lord and even then I probably wont even come close.
So while this temple calling is obviously another blessing from the Lord I feel like it's a chance for me show the Lord every week just how grateful I truly am for Him and all he has blessed me and my family with. For Clint I hope and pray that it will bring some much needed peace into his life. I know this calling is only for six months, but I think it will help us both tremendously in so many ways.
Grateful Friday
1 day ago
Michelle, You guys are awesome to take on such a calling with such positive attitudes. I think at this point, if the Bishop asked us something like that being pregnant and two kids, I would literally say no. But that's why he would ask someone like you because you would do anything asked of you. You're awesome and I wish we could see you guys more often!
wow, the zoo sounds so awesome, we're hoping to go soon (in the next few weeks before it starts getting real cold here).
and i know exactly how you feel, not wanting our snugglebugs to turn one! :( i'm not ready for our babies to be growing up, not yet, not by a mile.
mmmmmm pumpkin spice cupcakes.....
I'm just down the road if you need a sitter while your serving at the temple. What an awesome calling!