When I first started this blog I wanted to share my family and our happenings. I've been very poor about keeping up with this. Time seems to slip by faster than I realize or can even keep up with most days! But recently I've been thinking about goals I've made and either accomplished (which are very few) or let fall to the wayside.
One goal in particular that I shared with every one was to lose weight and get in shape. Well that lasted about a month and then I was pregnant again. And let's just say me, pregnancy, and exercise do not work well together. So here I am. Two and half years later with two more kids in tow and I'm still a good 30 lbs. over weight. (insert head banging on desk)
I really want to dust this goal off and really make it work this time. I feel like this time is different because mentally and emotionally I'm in a much different place. Clint and I are not planning on having any more kids for at least three years. Which honestly makes a huge difference. What's killing me now is seeing those double digit pant sizes I swore I'd never wear. I have an entire closet FULL of super cute cloths and I'd really like to be able to wear those again! Third and most importantly (I think) I've accepted the fact that yes I'm over weight and no I'm not going to be able to jump right in and do some crazy hard P90X and survive. I'm not going to be able to run 3, 4, 5 miles straight and not die! And that's okay because I can get there. I CAN get there. I know I can. My Mom keeps telling me, "Michelle, you're never going to be a size 2 again. Just accept it." NO! No I wont accept that! I'm important enough to take care of and by darn I'll get down to a LEAST a size 6 if it kills me! Because I KNOW I CAN!
So I joined Team Beach Body. I haven't really decided if I want to run the business end of it yet. Right now my goal and my focus is just to lose the weight and get back into shape. They have such AMAZING programs. They make tracking your progress so easy and finding nutritious things to eat so easy. I love it. I love being able to "log" my work outs and keep track of what I'm eating. I actually cooked up one of their chicken recipes and it was awesome! My whole family loved it!
As part of this goal I really want to be able to share my experience so every time I write down my thoughts about my workout and progress I'm going to post it on here too. Hopefully that will inspire me to be a more diligent "Blogger" and I'll be able to dust that goal off too. :)
Grateful Friday
1 day ago