Day 4
PostedI started today with the delicious "Chocolate covered strawberries" Shakeology. Yummm! However I did not get to workout this morning like normal because my family had church and getting four small kids and myself ready is no small task. Nor is it a quick task.
After church we drove down to the Snoqualmie Water Falls and took a walk. It was a great day for it and the kids napped the whole way down so Clint and I were actually able to visit with each other. So Nice! Also while we were there we saw a black bear. No Joke! It was AWESOME!
I really hate working out at night. I am not a night person AT ALL. Never have been never will be. I do feel though at this point in my "Lose weight and get fit" goal it's imperative I not miss a single day. So I did it.
I worked out with Chalene's Burn Intervals. WOW! Let's just say I'm gonna be feelin it tomorrow! I can't say it was super hard but man was I sweating! I worked really hard to keep up. I wish I could say I did keep 100% of the time but I am very out of shape so it's only fair to admit that while I could not keep up with EVERYTHING she was doing I did do my very best and really tried to push myself. Which I think is all any of us can really do any way. So I'm proud of myself!