For our long weekend Clint and I decided to head up to Vancouver and Victoria BC. It was mostly good but with any family trip there is always at least one hiccup. For us there was a few, like having screaming children waking up my kids until 2:30 in the AM at the hotel we stayed at in downtown Van and then thinking we lost Clint's wallet RIGHT before we were supposed to board the ferry to go to Victoria only to find it and then lose the ferry ticket which meant we had to buy a SECOND $72 ticket, then thinking we lost our iphone on the ferry which turned out to just be in the VERY bottom of the diaper bag (thank goodness!), and because we are still trying to potty train Kailey, driving all over creation to find a WalMart to buy some pants and underwear at because she peed all the ones I packed for her! But over all it was good I'd say. I mean each activity we had planned turned out very well. We went to the aquarium, and I swear I could watch those Beluga whales ALL DAY!! They're by far my favorite! Then we went on a bike ride in Stanley Park. It's so beautiful there it just blows me away every time! Then in Victoria went to the Butchart Gardens of course. That was an experience I doubt I'll ever forget. I just loved being surrounded by so much beauty!
We came home Sunday afternoon and spent Monday catching up the yard work we left behind. My poor little flowers sure were thirsty! I have to admit though as I looked at my garden I couldn't help but think how pathetic it was in comparison to the Butchart Gardens! I was feeling pretty good about my garden until now. LOL!! Anyway here are some pics from the trip.
The Aquarium:
The Butchart Gardens:
Grateful Friday
2 days ago
I LOVE that first pic of Garrett!! He is too cute. That red hair and those blue eyes.....simply adorable. And you look JUST LIKE YOUR MOM in that last pic with your sunglasses on! I honestly thought it was your mom but you hadn't mentioned her being there, so I knew it must be you!!!
Glad you didn't lose your phone. Ü
What a magical weekend you had!! Love all the breathtaking pictures of the flowers and all that you did and scene. Fun family memories for sure.
That sounds like a great trip! We were going to go to Vancouver too but at the last minute I couldn't find my birth certificate and realized I don't have Erica's yet! :) Next trip.... I'm glad you had fun despite all the "issues." They're bound to happen when you're traveling with kids aren't they.
It seems like every time I read your blog you've had some sort of craziness go on that makes me laugh. I wish I could go to the Buchart Gardens it looks beautiful! Garrett is just a doll- I want him!