Like every other person on the planet, on New Years Eve, I announced my plan to become a better me. That was the ultimate goal with many smaller "sub goals" if you will that all cumulatively amount to me being a better me. One of these goals was for me to lose weight. I started off strong like most people do when they attack a new goal. But like everyone else I also allowed myself to fall off the wagon. After feeling pretty bummed about that I forced myself back onto that weight loss wagon. Then I fell off again when I went on vacation. So basically for the last 5 months I've lost and gained this stupid 5 pounds twice!! It's ridiculous!
So, since being home I've finally been convinced by a good friend to run in a 5k run/walk. It wasn't hard for her to convince me because I've desperately been looking for the inspiration and motivation I need to get back on the path to weight loss. The catch is that the race is on June 6th! That's three weeks away!
I'll admit after talking to her I began to panic a bit. She's been running all most every day for a while now trying to get ready. I've been hit and miss for the last FIVE MONTHS and I only have three weeks to get ready!
So after I put the kids to bed I got on my computer and quickly converted the klicks into miles. 5kilometers is 3.1 miles. That made me feel a bit better mostly because it doesn't sound as far as 5 kilometers. But me being me and I had to test myself to see how much work I'd actually have to do to get ready for this race. So I immediately went upstairs and jumped on my elliptical. I'm proud to say I went 3.2 miles in 30 minutes doing an average of 154 strides per minute. Now in my mind (even though I sweat just as much) the elliptical is kind of cheating because when I'm done working out on it I don't really feel like I've worked out where as on the treadmill I FEEL like I was running and I KNOW I've just worked out. So today I will test myself again and this time I will do it on the treadmill. I'm nervous I wont do as well but I guess at least then I'll REALLY know how much work I have to do.
Grateful Friday
1 day ago
Good for you!! I didn't realize a 5K was only like 3 miles. Have you looked into the "couch-to-5K" thing? I think it's supposed to be a one moonth training schedule.
I've started walking with a friend in the mornings, but I know it's not doing me a lick of good. She's 7.5 mos. pregnant, and dthicker to begin with. We don't walk very fast. It doesn't get my heart rate up, and so I know I'm not burning anything. I'm just losing an hour of sleep and making my quads twitch. I'm hoping that soon she won't want to walk anymore and I can speedwalk alone. I know it's uber-dorky, but it burns more calories and is better for your body than jogging.
Good luck! Keep us posted!
I wish you best of luck in training for the 5k. It won't be as bad you you think. Have fun!
Susie's right it wont be as bad as you think. There will be a lot of people running it with us. And there is also a 5k walk... so if you need to walk a little people wont really notice ;) But I want you to run outside a few times. Running outside can be different. But by the end of the summer we're going to be running 10k's girl!