As a women not only do I have about a million favorite things but my favorite things change with my moods. Today the sun is shinning and I feel good. Last weekend I spent 8 hours in my yard mowing, weeding, and planting. I don't really consider myself a "green thumb" and I'm always a bit nervous about spending money on plants that I may or may not be able to keep alive. But this year I'm rather proud of myself and my yard. After four years of buying annuals (thinking they were perenials)and having them die off each winter only to buy more year after year, I've finally learned what to buy! I'm grateful for knowledgeable and experienced gardeners who have taken the time to write articles to guide newbies like me. I am grateful for the sunshine (mostly because we see it so little out here in Western WA). I am grateful for the rain so that I don't have to hover over my beautiful baby plants every day with a watering can. Coming from Kansas where we have CLAY for dirt I'm especially grateful for soft rich dirt. All these things make it possible for my little flowers to grow. But today my favorite thing is the worms.
I had never given the worms much thought until just last weekend. There I was gardening away with Kailey by my side and of course we came across a worm or two (or three or a few dozen) and at first she was scared of the "Swirlies" (as she calls them). Being three years old she wont accept "they're nice. They can't hurt you. Don't kill them." as an answer to what they are and what they're doing in our dirt. So I spent an hour explaining worms and another hour on a hunt to find and rescue the worms. It was a lot fun and I now have a new found appreciation for worms!
Grateful Friday
1 day ago
This is my first year gardening and I'm loving it, too! Did you read about me pulling weeds? In the hours I spent pulling dandelions I found many a worm and some slugs. I admit that the slugs were my favorite.
Last year I bought some flowers and planted them, but they died within two weeks. This year I had to dig all the bad sod and rocks from my flower beds. I planted seeds in some soil I bought, and I have sprouts! I'm so excited.
That's a lot of worms! So good for the soil too. Chris and I just planted our garden today and felt that it is quite tedious to care for the all the plants on our "little" acre of land, but I agree it's totally worth it.