It's ten after 8 and this morning is all ready off to a poor start. No surprise really I mean after all it is Monday. So I woke up at 6am in hopes of giving myself 30 minutes to lay in bed before I HAD to get up to work out. But to my surprise not only was my alarm clock going off but so was Garrett. So I thought okay, this could be worse. So I got up, fed Garrett a bottle and went and laid him back down in his bed. By then it was 7am and I thought well Kailey probably wont be up until at least 8 because she went to bed so late last night and now that Garrett has had a bottle he should sleep until at least 9. So I climb back into bed still wanting my 30 minutes of sleep I didn't get earlier. I lay there for a few minutes and I hear Garrett on the monitor talking to himself. I think it's no big deal and figure he'll find his thumb and doze off soon enough. But no such luck. I go get him and bring into my room so I can get my work out cloths on, again thinking I still had time before Kailey woke up. Again, no such luck. It's 7:30 and both kids are up and want to play and eat breakfast. So much for getting my workout in this morning!
Please feel free to share a "Misery Monday" story. After all "misery loves company"!
9 hours ago
Levi was home sick today. So I had NO access to the computer all day. Very miserable. Also, now that we're not poverty level students, we're not getting the kinds of tax returns we're used to. How is that I felt richer as a poor college student than as a "grown-up" homeowner?