My sweet Kailey is turning 3 on Sunday. I can hardly believe it. February 15th, 2006 is day that I had long awaited! I think most mothers want their babies, yearn for their babies, dream about their babies, but for me, more than all of those combined, I needed you. You put the final piece of my once broken heart back into place. Your were the cure to so much of what had been ailing my soul. From the moment I heard your first cry I loved you more than words could ever describe. You were so beautiful with all your hair and that sweet smile. I could hardly wait to take you home.
As much love as I have shown you, you have always been your Daddy's girl. I had such mixed emotions when you said your first word which of course was Daddy. I was and am so proud of you for talking but so sad at the same time because clearly your heart belonged to Daddy. I have grown to love that about you. I also love that as much as your heart belongs to Daddy you still save a hug and a cuddle for me.
You have such an insatiable appetite for reading. I don't think you will ever be able to own enough books. I love that you never get sick of the old books even when you get new books. I love that you have read all your books so many time that you have them all most all memorized.
You are so smart! You constantly amaze me!
I love your sense of humor! You are always making me laugh. Your energy, laughter and happiness is contagious! You light up our house on even the gloomiest of rainy days!
Your becoming such a fun little girl and that for me is bittersweet. I love you so much Kailey and I hope my "all most" Valentine baby has a very happy birthday.
Grateful Friday
2 days ago