I woke up Monday morning wondering what I would blog about for "Misery Monday" then I realized I was still in Canada and the internet connection there is dial up so I wouldn't be able to blog. What a perfect way to start my "Misery Monday" blog eh? This thought ran through my head most of the day as we were preparing to fly home. I must say I thought it very fitting that we should be traveling home on a Monday.
But lets go back to Wednesday evening shall we. That's the day we left for Canada. Not to much to report the kids were relatively well behaved we got checked in and through security will very little trouble. We got something to eat, changed diapers, filled bottles and boarded our plane. It was quick, smooth flight. Kailey watched a movie on my iphone and Garrett slept. We arrived in Calgary around 9:15 pm mountain time. Then we had a two and a half hour drive out to the farm. It was long but the kids slept so it wasn't bad.
Thursday we had a birthday party for Kailey. Her cousin Tanner (who is one day younger) was suppose to be there but had a cold and couldn't make it. It was still a lot of fun though. Kailey's Uncle's and Aunts and two other cousins were there. It was a lot of fun! Kailey got spoiled! Everyone up there is so generous! It always seems to take me by surprise for some reason.
Friday Clint and I left the kids with his dad and mom and drove back into Calgary for a date. It was again a long ride but we made great conversation the whole way. It was nice being able to carry on a conversation with out being interrupted 57 times! We even talked the whole way home too! It's amazing how much can be said when the little ones are away! While we were there we had lunch, went to the mall, went to a western wear store, got a car wash, picked up an extra suit case (to haul all Kailey's presents home with), and went and saw Gran Torino. It was a lot of fun!
Saturday was the big surprise anniversary party for Larry and Linda. They didn't have a clue. My sister in laws Amanda and Roxanne did a fantastic job putting it all together! I was really impressed! There were quite a few people there and the food was all homemade and delicious! Kailey had a blast running around with all the kids that were there. It all turned out so great! Thanks Amanda and Roxanne!
Sunday was a lazy day. We hung out in the morning and went and saw Clint's Grandma's in town in the afternoon. Of course the whole time we were there Kailey was out checking the cows every chance she got so she did quite a bit of that on Sunday. Then after the kids were in bed I packed up all their toys and gathered up all the cloths so that I could pack in the morning.
Monday was our traveling day. We left the farm around 11 am and got into Calgary just after 1pm. We stopped for lunch at a place called Montanas. It was soo good! Then we ran over to Chapters ( book store) and I picked up a book for the plane ride home. Then we were off to the airport. The people there were all very nice. Except for the customs officer who checked our passports. He was a very grumpy fellow. What is with them? They all tend to be that way! But he let us go so I guess that's the important thing right?!
The plane ride was good. Garrett slept, I read, Clint slept, and Kailey of course watched a movie. Once we got to SeaTac everything went pretty quickly. Our luggage was all ready off the coveyer belt and waiting so we were able to just grab it and go. That was nice! I hate bumping elbows just to get my suit cases! Then we got our car and headed home. The kids were both totally zonked out in the car 10 minutes into our 45 minute drive home. That too was nice!
It was such a good trip! I had very mixed feelings about coming home this time. I wanted to stay and visit a little longer but I was also starting to kind of antsy to get home. It was so great getting to see everyone. It was too cold to do much out side and Garrett was sick with a cold the whole time but we still enjoyed our stay. I know Kailey had a lot of fun. She loves being on the farm with the cows and the kitties and Brandy (Larry's dog). Last time we were there it was summer time and Kailey thought their yard was a park. She didn't mind the cold though and had a lot of fun going with Pa to see the cows.
Grateful Friday
2 days ago
Sounds like you guys had a blast! I'm glad your car/plane rideswen so well. I know what you mean with mixed feelings about coming home. I get that way every time.