Gangs come in all forms...
PostedI have no intention of making this a political blog but with the events that have taken place over the last several months and more especially the last several days, I feel the need to let my friends and family know where I stand.
For all my life I considered myself a republican. At least until I was old enough to care about politics and vote. The more I listened to both democratic and republican parties the less I cared for either really. It seemed to me that when ever I heard a politician speaking they were so far "right" or so far "left" it would make me want to scream and pull my hair out. It drives me bonkers listening to anyone who is "red" or "blue" through and through.
First and foremost, I was always taught since I can remember to always vote for the person who you felt would be the best person for the job, weather it was Class President in High School or Employee of the month, or President of our country. Being ignorant of what both sides has to say is as bad as "hiding under rocks" or burying your head in the sand! Since I'm speaking of ignorance, voting strictly republican or strictly democrat because that's what your parents did and their parents and their parents through all generations is the STUPIDEST thing I have ever heard of in my LIFE!! Then assuming because I didn't listen to Rush everyday or vote the same way you did I don't know all the facts ?! What is that?
Gangs come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Republican, Democrat, Blood, Crypt does not matter to me! I WILL NOT JOIN! Call me a fence sitter, call me what ever you want, but don't call me unpatriotic, indifferent or ignorant! Because I listen to both sides. I see the good and the bad of BOTH!
All I ask is for you all to think about this story I'm going to share with you.
In June 2006 I found I was pregnant. Two weeks after finding out Clint and I took a trip up to Canada for a funeral. A little less than half way there I started spotting. We made it to a hotel that night and by then I was bleeding pretty heavily. The next morning we got on the road and headed to the nearest ER still several hours away. When we got there, there was NO waiting. I was given a room and saw a doctor within 30 minutes. The doctor confirmed that I was having a miscarriage. We left paying a very small fee. Then we had a three hour drive to get to the farm. The bleeding never stopped. The next day I went to the ER again. The doctor there said I needed to have a d&c. We were there for several hours while I was recovering. Again we left paying nothing at the time.
If this had been a Canadian or any other foreigner for that matter traveling only with a passport, what do you think would have happened to her if she had gone to one of our American ER's? What kind of bill would she have to pay? How fair is it that I should be treated so well in another country paying next to nothing for the health care I received and anyone else coming to America including American's don't get treated so well?
Here is another story.
Clint's Grandma in Canada had some trouble with her hip just before Christmas. Her Doctor told her she would need a hip replacement. By Friday of that VERY WEEK she had a new hip.
Yet even though I have insanely good health insurance I have to watch my daughter suffer for a month and half while I wait for her to see a specialist! How is that fair?
If socialized health care is really the big bad monster that all the republicans want us to believe it is, than why are we the only civilized nation with out it?! And why is it that the number one country to raise a family in (a little hint it's not America) has it?
Isn't taking care of one another what Christ taught us to do? How can we call ourselves a "Christian Nation" when no one could care less about weather or not their neighbor and their neighbors children have health care? How can we call ourselves the "UNITED" States of American when we don't even know our next door neighbors name let alone the difficulties some one in a different state with a different economic status might be facing? Why should I be entitled to health care just because my husband has a good job that can afford health insurance while "Bob the Brick layer" who works twice as hard for half as much has to go without? That certainly does not sound like what I was taught in Sunday school!
I'm not saying the system is perfect. NO system ever is. But I'm pretty sure I personally would sleep a lot better at night knowing that I'm doing my part to contribute to a UNITED NATION.
There are times I wish our helthcare system was as efficient as Canada's. Low cost and quick service are definately things I'm envious of.
I'm like in that I considered myself a conservative republican growing up. Now.....there's not a party for what I am. (Actually a quiz I took online in campaign season said I should vote libertarian, whatever that is.) I have a hard time dealing with those who are hard core left- or right-wing.
If this is a small response to the link I posted today, thanks. (I'm going to feel dumb and vain if this was unrelated!!) I saw the link on someone else's blog, and thought it was interesting information. I honestly don't ever remember the specific site it came from -- I had never been there before. It's entirely possible that it's some fundamentalist republican which case I feel kinda stupid.
I DO think healthcare in our nation needs to change drastically. I just don't want to save money by sacrificing possible cures.
It was partly your post that inspired my rant, but primarily my family.
I too think it would be sad if we were sacrificing possible cures, just to save money.
Like I said no system is perfect. In my own opinion I think what we really need is a hybrid version of socialized health care. Something that can provide our nation with health care while still allowing the private sector to remain so if they choose.
It's a delicate balancing act. How do you tell 30 million Americans they have to go with out just so we can spend more money to find these cures? And how much money that is funding these companies actually going to finding cures and how much is going into the CEO's pocket? How do we regulate something like that?
I think Obama definitely needs to be more willing to compromise and ask for only the things we absolutely have to have right now. I've been reading a lot about this stimulus bill and I do agree there are some things in there that can wait. I also think it was wrong to be so sneaky about the health care.
Ugggghhhh, sorry! Anyway thank you for your comment and your blog! Stay beautiful!