Today was Garrett's four month well child check up with the Doc.
Before I delve into all the details of that, I'd just like to take a moment to say that I heart my family doctor! She always makes me feel so good about myself as a mother and as a human being. I heart Dr. B !
Okay back to Garrett. He is growing like a weed! It really makes me sad some days. I just love babies. I feel so close to heaven when I hold them. Anyway, he is in the 75% for his hight (26"long) and weight (15.10 lbs). Long and lean that's we make'em. He had to get four shots today. :-( He did well though. He really didn't start crying until the 3rd and 4th shot, and even then I got him calmed down relatively quick.
I of course had to take Miss Kailey with me. Which is always a nightmare. Bless her hart she's just at the age where she wants to know EVERYTHING and has to get into EVERYTHING. All the while Garrett has learned how to roll so I can no longer just leave him any ol'place. So I have one hand on Garrett (who was on the doc table) and one hand on Kailey who is trying to dig through the garbage, get in the drawers, spin on the doc chair, play with the blood presure cuff, pull all the magazines out, and scatter the doctors pamphlets everywhere.
So the doctor comes in ( even though I'm pretty sure she was probably standing at the door listening to me threaten Kailey within an inch of her life) and say's, "You look great! I love your new haircut!" Again, I heart Dr. B ! So she checks Garrett and asks me questions about where he's at developmentally. Then she asks me how I am, and I tell her I'm fine. Then she says, "No. Really. How are you?" She always does this! I tell her again I'm doing fine, that I've started working out, Garrett is sleeping better, and that truley for the first time I'm actually fine. Then she says, "Well good! I'm so glad to hear that. Now I can lecture you and not feel so bad." HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!! So she proceeds to tell me that while Garrett is doing great developmentally his head control is not where it should be for a 4month old. Then I admit that no, I had not been doing tummy time and that yes he does spend alot of time on his back but that I would try harder. Then she says,"No. No trying. Just do it!"
Oooohh how I love my doctor. She always makes me laugh. She is so good at cutting all the bull and just giving it to me straight. Plus she always tells me I have the cutest kids she sees. Which I'm sure she tells to all her patients that have kids, but it still makes me feel good all the same. So that was Garrett's four month check up.
Grateful Friday
1 day ago
She really does sound like a great doctor. Consider yourself lucky!