As a kid I could never really understand what the big deal was with Mondays. I mean sure, back then Monday was the start of another school week, but for me even that wasn't that big of deal. However, as an adult I'm beginning to understand why my parents (or any other adult I knew) never cared for Mondays.
For me Monday means picking up the house from Saturday and Sunday. It means getting two kids ready to leave the house so we can go to the grocery store and run other errands, all on a tight schedule so we can get home, have lunch, and take naps. While my kids sleep I pick up all the toys they managed to drag out in the short time they had while I fixed lunch. Then try to catch up on weekend laundry and put lunch dishes in the dishwasher. Then the kids wake up, we have an afternoon snack and drag the toys all back out AGAIN. We all play for bit until I have to start getting ready to cook dinner. Usually we have some sort of meat for dinner so while I wait for that to thaw, if the kids are behaving themselves, I'll go check the email and return any calls I may have gotten during the day. Then I go put in a dvd for Kailey just to make sure she'll stay out of my way while I'm busy cooking and then go cook. By the time dinner is done Clint is usually home and playing with the kids. So I rally the troops and we eat. After dinner Clint plays with Kailey for a bit while I feed/bath Garrett. Then it's time for Kailey to get ready for bed. After she is ready we have a quick FHE, then off to bed with her. Clint and I take turns putting Kailey down so if it's my turn Clint will play with Garrett until I come back, then I put Garrett to bed. If it's Clint's turn to put Kailey down then I just go ahead and put Garrett to bed at the same time. Then we usually spend the next hour trying to get Kailey to actually go to bed while we are busy trying to watch our favorite tv shows or play on the computer. Finally by about 10pm we've all had enough and call it a day.
That is usually how our Mondays go. They are long and tiresome. Through out the day I'm constantly battling with a 3 year old who is extremely defiant and a 4 month old who crys as soon as I'm not within his sight. These are the days I pray for the Lord to give me strenghth and patience. Today is actually a bit of an off day for us I guess. Clint went to the store on Saturday for me, so I don't have to go today, but I do have to spend a bit more time cleaning as we have an apraiser coming to the house today or tomorrow. Which actually works out well because I didn't want to have to take Miss Kailey out today anyway. The poor kid hasn't pooped in 7 days and is not feeling so hot. I gave her more laxitives again this morning and am hoping I can blow it out of her. I think I'm going to call the Pediatric GI doctor today.
Since Mondays are usually miserable around our house, and my mother always said "misery loves company" I figured I would start a "Misery Monday" blog. That way I have at least one day where I can let out all my Monday frustrations. I welcome you all to join me and share a "misery Monday" story.
Grateful Friday
1 day ago
My Mondays tend to be miserable as well. Recuperating from the weekend is NOT fun. Diving back in to the routine when you've been out of it for a few days is hard, too. Lately I've been carless on Mondays. Combine all that with dreary weather and I am NOT a happy camper on Mondays.
Today wasn't so bad, though. I actually got up and MADE myself get things done. I'm kinda proud. =D
I'm sure next Monday I'll have plenty to be miserable about, though.
OOOOooo busy :P
I'll totally play along.