First off dinner. Every "nice" place was packed and we were on a schedule as I had purchased tickets for a movie in advance, so waiting around wasn't an option. Which worked out fine in the end really. I got to eat at my favorite Greek "hole in the wall" restaurant appropriately named, Greek Delight. Oh how I love Greek food. I think I may have been Greek in a previous life!
Then the movie. We saw Paul Blart Mall Cop. Overall a good show. A little dry at certain points but the funny parts were hysterical! And I loved the ending! The ending was the best part in my opinion.
Since I saw a silly show I now feel very silly! So I will share a funny. I was reminded of this story tonight when Clint and I bumped into a couple of his friends from work.
When I was about 8 1/2 months pregnant with Garrett, Clint and I went to a going away party for a friend from his from work. When we get to the restaurant the waitress was very prompt to take our drink order. Clint ordered a raspberry lemonade. I thought that sounded pretty tasty so I told the waitress I would have the same. Now to her credit I was leaning over the table so my HUGE belly was hidden. So she brings us our drinks and we both take a sip. Clint looks at me and says, "That tastes weird". So I take another sip. I tell him that I think it's fine and it must just be his. So he takes another drink and says, "No. That doesn't taste right." and pushes the drink aside.So I take another drink think more carefully about how it tastes, and conclude that yeah it does have an interesting after taste. But I just thought that's how that particular restaurants lemonade tasted. Finally about 3/4 done with my drink I decide maybe Clint was right. So I ask the gal sitting next to me if she thinks there may be alcohol in my drink. She nods her head yes. So now I'm a little panicked. I mean I am pregnant after all! So when the waitress comes by I tell her my drink tastes funny. Then she get's a horrified look on her face as she realizes she just served alcohol to a pregnant women. Immediately she was very apologetic and explained that she didn't realize etc. I actually thought it was pretty funny (course I had a buzz by then) and so did Clint but Clint being Clint had to give her a hard time just to tease her. So while I'm telling her not to worry about it Clint's telling her wants to talk to her manager. This girl was seriously seconds from being in tears. Of course it was an innocent mistake so of course we didn't say anything to the manager but we did ask her to remove the drinks from our bill.
Honestly as funny as I thought the whole situation was, I was actually pretty nervous I had done something really bad and might of hurt my baby. So of course I told the doctor and she just laughed. Then just to be sure I told the bishop. He laughed too! In retrospect though, it was all very silly!
Grateful Friday
1 day ago
that's too funny! one of hte many perks of living in utah, I suppose. No waitress would DREAM of giving ANYONE alcohol unless they specifially asked for it. That poor waitress.
Mall cop looks funny -- glad to know your opinion.