The Norlie's have officially reached max closet, laundry room, kitchen, toy room and most importantly garage capacity. Which means it's time to spring clean. Something I dread and look forward too. Mostly because I have reached my max limit of patience for the lack of space we once enjoyed last spring. I think there are really only two things I truly dread about spring cleaning. First how long it takes. To do this the "right way" as my mother always taught me, it takes quite a while because "let no dust bunny be left behind"! The second thing is having to do such an undertaking with a three year old under foot. Kailey destroys WAY faster than I can clean. I'm pretty sure she thinks she's helping, as I'm sure most three year old's do. Other than those two things I really don't mind spring cleaning. And once it's done I feel like I can breath again. Perhaps it's because all those dust bunnies I've been cleaning AROUND are gone.
Well you know what they say, "cleanliness is next to Godliness" so I best get to it!
Grateful Friday
2 days ago