So today was Garrett's 6 month check up. I had a feeling today was going to be a difficult one simply because Kailey was being such a pill before we even got to the doc office and continued to be one there. Little did I know things were about to get worse. So the nurse calls us back and leads us into the room. I'm holding Garrett in one arm w/my diaper bag over the opposite shoulder and Kailey was holding my hand. I let go of Kailey and instruct her to please sit on the bench. I put the diaper bag down and tell Kailey again to please sit down. I lay Garrett on the table so I could get his cloths off and while still hanging on to him I turn and tell Kailey AGAIN to please sit down. I turn back to Garrett to start taking his cloths off and Kailey bumps into me. Irritated as all get out with her I turn around tell her to get on the bench and try to help her with my one free hand while I was still holding onto Garrett. Then Kailey does her usual freak out and I turn back and glance at Garrett, he seems content so I let my hand off him for a split second and turned to Kailey so I could put her on the bench and Garrett rolls off the table!
Like lightning I whip around and try to catch him as he's falling grabbing only a leg. I don't know if me trying to catch him helped or hurt, but I tell you what he was screaming his ever lovin' head off! I was so freaked out I was shaking for about 10 minutes. That is the first time one of my babies has fallen off something and holy crap did it scare me. Garrett is fine it scared him more than it hurt him. The table was at an angle in the room and he fell to the side where all the tubes and wire for the blood pressure cuffs and stuff were, there was also a little lamp on that side so there was some stuff in the way to help break his fall a bit.
Anyway the nurse heard the commotion and came running back in and asked me what had happened and of course she's shaking her head at me and telling me I know better than to leave him, which I do, but still I was pretty shaken up as it was. Then she went and got an ice pack and put it on Garrett's head which of course just made him scream even more. Then the nurse was telling me I needed to make sure to tell the doctor, duh, but she told me like five times. Normally I love this nurse but today she got on my all ready very delicate and shaken nerves.
So the doctor came in and got talking to me about Garrett and started to check him over and told her what happened and she was really nice and was just like "Oh well, it probably just scared him". He is doing really well he's 27" long now and his head and weight haven't changed. 17 lbs 14oz which I think put him in like the 75%.
Kailey of course continued to be a pill all the while Garrett was getting his shots. The poor little guy! I felt so bad for him today. First a fall and bonk on the head, then the ice pack, then the shots! I didn't know it was possible for him to cry that long! He was completely zonked out in his car seat by the time we got home and barely flinched when I took him out to put him in his crib. Needless to say it's been quite the day for us!
Grateful Friday
2 days ago
First of all -- love the billie holiday song.
Second of all -- The doctor's office is VERY rarely fun. Already a hectic experience, but definately made worse by a discouraging nurse!! Of COURSE you know better but what are you supposed to do with a crazy toddler?! I totally feel ya.
My biggest heart attacks have come from Eric (my youngest) running into the street. When there are cars. And I scream and tell him no and he LAUGHS. He's lucky to still be alive.......for more than one reason.
--LOVE your background. And awesome playlist. p.s. my word verification is "worth." So remember your great worth!! ♥♥
I know exactly how you feel! Yesterday as I was wrestling with Jaidyn to put a diaper on her, I layed Olivia on the couch. Thinking that it would be no big deal because I was right next her...well next thing i know she is rolling off the couch and hitting her head on her excersaucer that was sitting next the the couch. Of course I felt terrible about it. But she is fine. Having two makes just makes the simplest things soooo much more difficult!
We should get together soon!