Amazed once again!!
PostedWith my last post I think I made it pretty clear that I can get pretty passionate about adoption in general. After posting I watched the first and so far only episode of "Find My Family" on ABC. I thought it was a very touching, heartfelt show. One of the few that is actually such.
Then this morning I come across an article on Yahoo describing controversary over the show. My thoughts are pretty much this as I'm reading it, "WHAT??!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!" I mean come on people how can reuniting families be a bad thing?
In my own personal opinion and I hope I don't offend anyone, but I honestly think that this whole thing is being fueled by the insecurities of adoptive parents. Granted, I think that there are plenty of adoptive parents out there probably have good cause to be insecure due to what ever the circumstances are or were that surrounded the adoption of their children. But does that give them the right to cause problems or make it harder for the people who do want to reconnect with their birth families and the families that are supportive of that?
Obviously I've never adopted a child so I'll never know what that's like, but I have placed a baby for adoption and I thank the Lord every day that I got as lucky as I did finding the family I found for my baby. And I can tell you right now if I ever thought for one second that I wouldn't be able to see my baby again or know how she was doing it would devistate me. And it's not because I want to take her back or away from the family that she was clearly meant to be with, it's because I love her and always will even if I don't get see her for a long time.
At this very moment I have a cousin who was adopted and is trying desperately to find her birth mother. It's all ready hard enough going through the process, why do people feel the need to make it harder and bring other people down?! I just don't get it. I never will.
I mentioned that show just the other dya to someone, and they couldn't BELIEVE people were doing it. Thought it was intrusive or something. I didn't really understand their point of view.
Sidenote: Did you ever watch "16 and pregnant" on MTV? I saw a few was interesting. One of the couples decided to give their baby up for adoption. MTV is doing updates on the couples now, and showed a clip of that same couple telling their parents they were going to give the baby up. The parents were like, "What? All that baby needs is love!" The KIDS were the ones saying, "No, she needs mature, devoted parents and more than we can give her!" It blew my mind.
Anyway..... I haven't watched the reunification show. I might start.