I have a lot to be thankful for today. It's been a rough week for me overall I'd say, but today I'm just feeling grateful.
For my lovely followers and random readers who may not have heard, I'm pregnant. Yes we just had a baby. No it was not planned. No I'm not ready. Yes Clint's excitement and joy is starting to slowly rub off on me. At 6 weeks pregnant I'm feeling very tired and very nauseous.
So tonight Clint and I are going to the temple for a ward temple night. I'm not really sure how I'll be fitting in my dress but I'm sure those sweet ladies in the dressing room will help me figure it out. LOL!
I'm embarrassed to admit it but it's been a few months since we last went to the temple. We really need this and I'm really looking forward to it.
We've definitely had a lot go wrong over the last couple of weeks but last night as I was saying prayers with Kailey before bed I really started to think about how much we have really been blessed through it all.
This morning I woke up feeling so guilty for all my grumbling and whining and cursing. So I got on my knees and asked the Lord to forgive me for all my complaining and then I thanked him for all that he had blessed us with, including this little surprise due in 34 weeks. That one was hard but it definitely needed to be included. After all what greater blessing could our Heavenly Father have given us?
When I was done with my prayer I felt so much better. So much lighter. So much more at peace with myself and my situation. Prayer has always been a very powerful source of comfort in my life. I think it was probably one of the first things I really gained a testimony of. I'm so grateful to have that open line between my Heavenly Father and myself.
So tonight we will go to the temple and as husband and wife and together we will thank our Creator for all the good in the world and for all that he has blessed us with.
TGIF! and TGFB (Thank goodness for babysitters)!
Grateful Friday
2 days ago
Congratulations to baby # 3!! That is such exciting news for your family. I have been where you are before. My two boys are 11 months apart. I felt like you did. But all turns out great in the end. So glad you were able to attend the temple. Prayers are such a great thing to have a part of our lives. That is a big blessing in it's self.
How did your dr. appt go?
It's been a while since Levi and I have been to the temple together. We've done alright taking turns, but we need to go to together. My family is visiting right now, and we really need to capitalize on that. We've got some stuff to figure out.
Congratulations Michelle! I know it's always hard when my plans differ a bit from Heavenly Father's but thankfully He's smarter than me (and I have to remind myself of that frequently). Best wishes to you and your sweet family. I'm just down the road if you ever need a sitter for your baby appointments.