Preparing for the Easter Bunny!
I love holidays! I'm not sure if it's something I got from my Mom or something that I've just always loved but either way I love holidays. Weather it's Valentines, St.Patricks, Easter or Christmas it really doesn't matter to me, I love them all! I don't just love all the candy and decorations. I mean those are nice and fun but what I really love is the individual tradition each holiday has and how it brings family and friends together.
This year is an especially exciting year for me holiday wise. My daughter is three this year and is really starting to grasp these holiday concepts. Now in years past we haven't really done anything for the kids on holidays except for Christmas. We felt that Kailey was still just too young to really understand and so there was really no point. So this year I fully intend on going all out for Easter. Clint of course will be in charge of the spiritual side of things while I handle all the fun and games!
So I ordered the Easter basket I've had my eye on for the last couple years. I was expecting it to come in the mail today and sure enough it arrived! I have to tell you though that moments like what I'm about to share are the moments I love being Mom and yet at the same time know I need to pick up the slack in the "mothering" department. Anyway, the Mail Lady hopes out of her truck and runs up to the door and rings the bell. Then Kailey from the living room shouts, "Mom! Pizza!" I couldn't help but laugh. Appearently the only time our doorbell rings is when the Pizza Man is here!
Other worthy notes
Kailey had her very first dentist appointment. She wouldn't get in the chair and wouldn't let the hygenist look at her teeth, but she did have fun looking at the equipment and play with the water/air hose thingy and the spit sucker thingy. I made another appointment so hopefully next time we can convince her to sit in the chair.
In four and half days I will be back in my home town Wichita! I'm really excited for this trip. I haven't been back in year and a half! I can't wait to see what all has changed. My Mom was just telling me the other that the bar and grill I used to waitress at sold out to some other company. :( I was so sad to hear that because I was really looking forward to getting some "bases loaded waffle fries" (it was sports bar okay). May Victories Sports Bar and Grill forever rest in peace.
I also got my hair cut last night. I love getting my hair cut. I used to dread having to go to the salon and always made my Mom cut my hair. But now that I'm married and have kids of my own Salon time means alone time and I'll take that any way I can get it!
The best note to date so far though is that Garrett is saying "Ma ma ma mama" and "Da da da dadda"!! He is also getting much better at sitting all by himself. Which has been quite a challenge to do with big sister always knocking him down!
Happy Easter!!
Grateful Friday
1 day ago