I'm pretty sure Midnight madness with my Relief Society is my favorite night with them. I love seeing how talented all these ladies are! Plus the fact that they are able to impart such great crafting wisdom upon me makes me feel giddy. This year I made this:
And this:
I'd never done a tie blanket before and this was really fun. I made one for Garrett (above), one for Kailey which of course has the Disney princess' on it, and one for the new baby girl to come. Kailey and Garrett both love their blankets so hopefully the new baby will enjoy her's too.
The photo star was a lot of fun to. I think what took the most time (for me) was just trying to decide which pictures to use for what angle. I got lucky though because I all most didn't have enough horizontal pictures. I think it turned out really cute!
While I've been busy crafting, picking colors for the girls room, and getting ready for Halloween I've been busy baking this bun in the oven! :-) Here I am at 26 weeks:
Sorry that's such a big picture! For some reason it's not sizing the way it should. So far all is well with this pregnancy. I get to do the 1 hour glucose test at my next appointment. I've always passed it but this time I'm a little worried. Hopefully I'll pass this time.
As for Halloween Kailey is going to be TinkerBell this year. She actually gets to dress up four days in row because her tumbling class had a party, her preschool class had a party, we have our ward party and then Halloween. Kailey is in heaven but I think I'm all ready getting a little burnt out. Plus now she has a candy loot and it's not even the big night yet! Trying to moderate sugar intake is getting increasingly difficult so I'm thinking next year we'll just pick one event (aside from Halloween) to dress up for.
In other news we're heading out to Wichita next week. My older sister, Stephanie, is getting married. It should be pretty low key but we are also planning on having our Thanksgiving dinner while we're there. I think it will be a lot fun. It's just for the weekend so it will be a quick trip but it will be nice to see everyone before Christmas at least.
Grateful Friday
1 day ago